Saturday, January 2, 2010

The first most profound words of wisdom from the sagely creature

Hello all,

I write this blog, in full awareness that you aren't familiar with who I am. Don't worry lads, I'll be pretty famous soon. Before everybody sleeps on the stone pavement in eager anticipation of my first, best selling novel, I'd like to declare to the world that I'm the most talented nincompoop on the face of this planet. Well, yeah, self-glorification is an addicting habit, and you will agree, very hard to get rid of.

My name is Philter Kaapi. Kinda lame. And not really my name. I maintain a secret identity coz it's cool. I use incorrect grammer, coz that's cool also. Some sagely creature told me that. Oh well, I forgot the name.
Now coming to the point.

When I was 6 months, I mostly wanted to cry and pee. When I was 7, I wanted to do cool things. When I was 14, I wanted to be an endocrinologist and learn to spell that word correctly.
I'm 19 now. heck. And I want to write.
Weird things happen, at weird ages.
I guess 19 means writing stuff.
So, the celestial heavens have ordained.
Another sagely creature told me that too.

So, a pointless blog.
A poitnless blog, to make me laugh.
A pointless blog to break free of the oh-my-gosh-ur-such-an-emo-nerd image. Pointless blog, to taint my image as the world's best sonneteer/poem-writer/author/dairist.
Pointless blog, to dump all the weird things that my brain conjures up.
Pointless blog, to proof I'm an absolute doofus. :)

You may pretend that you are listening.

Philter Kaapi

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmm... interesting! I hope your blog becomes a great success and that everyone likes filter coffee(and Philter Kapi) :)

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