Friday, January 22, 2010

Nerdyfing, ranting and "grr"ing.

I'm a noble person. An extremely noble person. I am, in fact, more committed to this little space than anybody else on this planet. Being the extremely brave soul that I am, I will do anything, anything at all, to have my hands scribble more profound words of wisdom here, even against my better judgement of studying multivariable calculus and parametrization of curves on a cheerfully rainy friday afternoon, on the begginning of a wonderfully boring weekend which i fully intended to enjoy, but will most probably spend counting how many days of my long life I have left because it seems to be pretty much evoporating in front of my eyes in all these horrible midterms and exams and quizzes and lab reports. And of course, it is in my brave blood to risk my studies by doing most illuminating things such as typing matters of great irrelevance to this world in fancy, completely huge, nonsensical sentences using incorrect grammer, hanging phrases and incomplete sentences that would put my english education to shame. Awh, but there is one person who can follow my train of thought--me. And I'm quite glad for that. Before I go off on 3 other different tangents, (not to circles or parametric curves, mind you!), I would like to come to the point (believe me, there is supposed to be one) of this ultra-dramatic post.

The points, kindly make note:
(a) As I said, I'm noble.
(b) I'm bored, I have a Physics midterm examination this monday on 5 whole chapters, a mathematics examination on thursday, and a general psychology examination on thursday. I did prospect on drinking rat poison the day before yesterday, but I've heard that it tastes quite aweful, and I'm certainly certain that my tongue wouldn't prefer to swallow such things just to transport me to heaven. Sigh. Even dying is so complicated these days.
(c) I'm ranting. Raving mad. I'm robbed of a beautiful weekend. I have to spend it frickin' studying ALL the time. Make that >6 hours per day, ALL WEEKEND (with potty breaks and nap breaks, but still). Oh lord, help me concentrate. This term of "studying all the time" has been re-named by phiter kaapi as "nerdyfying". So I'll be nerdyfying this weekend. Boo-hoo. And if you point ur finger this way and go "ha ha", well, then you shouldn't be surprised if my rat poison has mysteriously found it's way into your bisi-bele bath tomorrow afternoon. I might hesitate to have the rat poison to reach my throat, but the same is not the case with other human beings. And I do believe that there is more use to such a potent chemical composition that just plainly kiling a few rodents who freak you out. Maybe they can be equally effective on human friends who freak you out too.
(d) So, the plan's like this.
If I pass, I'll bring back my spoils and go "hahahaha, I passed. I'm intelligent. I'm not a loser." and repeat that a 10000 times in your ear until you fully agree wimme.
If I fail, I'll return to my soppy my-life-is-purposeless-im-such-a-jerk-so-lemme-write-a-one-million-sad-meloncholic-poems-mood. And believe me, you wouldn't wanna to see me like that. I speak aristotle. I drool. I bite. Yuck.
So, I hope the nerdyfying pays off.
Really. So do me a favor.
Pray for me.

(I shall b back soon by the end of next week, If i haven't decided rat poison does in fact taste good and they were just lying to me.)

Phiter Kaapi
(with profound spelling mistakes)


Unknown said...

my nerd alarms buzzing!!

Lakshmi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lakshmi said...

Explanation: Your alarm's faulty.

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