The Parliment of Backyard Philosophers (POBP) is a group of seriously minded college students who exist to spread epicness to the world. They are philosophers by birth, naturally contemplating the happenings of their universe and finding explanations for everything on the planet. They are wise, sagely creatures of the highest order, and think that spreading their wisdom is of primary importance.
To be a member, you must embrace our cardinal philosophy that incohorence is most cool and must foster a talent for talking the same in an understandable way. If to wish to be part of the parliment, leave us a message on The Democracy shall either vote you in or out.
The Parliment includes:

Swami Unknownanda has been shining his wisdom on the world soon after he realised how much of a smartass he was. His identity remains mysteriously unknown, and that's why we've discovered that he's an amazing photographer, and incredible texter, apart from being supremely enlightened. His is a very spiritual approach to life, and his philophical findings carry much more weight than your sack of potatoes.
Kachaguli Pencil's style is most distinct. With a kickass talent for cartooning, he's a gem for the parliment. He is brave, inchorent, and an extremely creative thinker. Wit, he hides in words, and modesty in his approach. In his spare time, he tries to teach parrots to talk, devolop other people's linguistic abilities or discusses positron zapped frogs. Utter hilarious one of a philosopher. He intends to start a new religion with miss Kaapi sometime in the future.
Masala Chai is a guest blogger, because he's just too good at every damn thing, and requires time to excel in every possible human endevour. Yes, we're all jealous of chai's rejuvinatingly different abilites. An utterly enviable RVite, he plays basketball and studies like no tomorrow. A diligent academic, (which is a nicer word for "nerd"), he's heading the Infosys way, someday. He's notable for the please-hate-twilight campaign. He's a storyteller as well. For those, you can peek here: Lost and the Damned's Blog and here: Panaroma of a No-Hoper
Philter Kaapi: She's the pseudo-intellectual and incurable show off with a passion for human physiology and medicine, when she's not off hiking another anthill or staring at eraser dust. As a traditional philosopher at heart, she's most famous for her insightful "Kaapi contemplaashionnss". She brews quick, sharp and frothy. She's a hopeless poet, and voracious reader. She blogs her more depressing philosophies at The Riddling Songbird Sings and An Amateur's Attempts